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An easy way to find your umbrella provider

Find the best umbrella and accountancy services available on the market

About Us

Welcome to Umbrella Search

Trust us to find the best solutions for you

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Here to make it EASY

At Umbrella Search, we are here to take away the pressure from the busy contractor. We understand that it can be time-consuming trying to find the right umbrella company or accountant. Our professional and friendly panel are here to take away that drought by carrying out all the boring due diligence ahead of time and taking the stress away from your shoulders by allowing you to make the right and informed decision.

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Professional Testimonials

We would only ever recommend a provider as good as us. We strive to ensure that our providers have undergone a thorough compliance and service audit before joining us. Umbrella Search will only ever work with providers who value their clients and hold them in high regard.

Our Services

If you have previous contracting experiences, or whether this is new to you, there’s no need to worry.  Our friendly and professional team will do their utmost to understand your circumstances and provide you with the best, and unique, recommendations that suits you.


Umbrella Search will make sure to find the perfect PAYE provider for you. From our extensive list of partners, you will no longer be left feeling frustrated by a PSL or an umbrella that doesn’t meet your needs.


Join Umbrella Search today, get a quote, and let us do the hard work for you.


Umbrella Search will help you minimise the hassle that brings on paying people. Whether you’re looking to outsource your workforce, process large PAYE numbers or recruit new contractors, we have you covered. With a variety of tested providers, the Umbrella Search team guarantee to provide you with the best options on the market and outsource you and your workforce with a compliant that is cost-effective and efficient service.

Umbrellas & Accountants

At Umbrella Search, we understand that your clients are the driving force of your business. Our partners understand its importance which is why they focus on delivering their services, rather than trying to promote them. We’re here to help, with quick service and audit checks with a sample of your clients, we can set you up to Umbrella Search in no time. Umbrella Search looks to partner with providers that are unique and who are focused on delivering a first-class service.

Recruitment Agencies

The Umbrella Search team understands the importance of getting contractors booked and billing as quickly as possible. This is why we would only recommend providers who are focused on being set up as quickly as possible and at a first-class service. Your new clients will also be able to choose from an umbrella from your PSL. If you don’t have an umbrella, we can provide your clients with an array of providers that will meet their needs.

Want to find out more? Get in touch with our friendly staff
and we will do our best to help you.

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Service You Can Depend On

Tell us a bit about yourself and we will contact you with the best options to find the best umbrella company.

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